Mooring Land on the River Medway at Maidstone


An ambitious scheme for 30 wharf like structures, car park, artificial lake and other works on this land was refused planning permission on appeal. It is clear that engineering operations and development in this riverside area are not wanted. Mooring of boats will therefore have to take place by simply tying up alongside the bank using the boat's own equipment such as lines, mooring irons, gangplank and anchor(s) if necessary. No planning permission is required for mooring in the course of navigation. Additionally, your riparian rights as owner of the river bank and bed allow you to moor alongside your own land. In a recent planning appeal the inspector found that in the absence of engineering operations, the permanent basing of boats does not require planning permission. Substantial costs were awarded against the local council that claimed otherwise. (Please see Appendix A - Planning Appeal Information regarding the Home Mooring of Boats). Therefore it is not necessary or desirable to apply for planning permission for the simple mooring of boats.


This is the Environment Agency whose officers are very friendly and helpful. We have their written confirmation that mooring as described does not require their permission (please see Appendix B - Letter from us to the Environment Agency and their Replies Confirming their Permission is not required for Mooring). You must have a river licence and not impede navigation, but there are few other restrictions and no other charges.