APPENDIX C. Cruising between the Canal System and the River Medway.

An article on this subject was written by Stuart Sampson in the October 2007 issue of Waterways World. Some extracts from his article are included below.

“The River Medway is in fact in reach of a narrow boat with an experienced skipper - as our recent cruise proved.”

“With careful planning and the right equipment, navigating down the Thames Estuary and up the tidal Medway is less hazardous than negotiating the sandbanks between Sharpness and Bristol - which a fair number of people manage safely in canal-type vessels.”

“In the helpful notes written by the St. Pancras Cruising Club, they recommend leaving from Bow Locks rather than Limehouse.”

“Usually there will be quite a few yachts and cruisers going the same way and the route is straightforward.”

“We were given a very warm welcome by the Environment Agency Navigation Officer no. 1 (At Allington Lock).”

“At the time the Don was surging through the streets of Sheffield, and the Thames came up to Red Board conditions, the Medway remained unflustered, levels being controlled by automatic sluices.”

“The Medway River navigation is kept very tidy and in many ways puts British Waterways to shame.”